
For Such a Time as This

Gala Graphic with Text and Crown

For Such a Time as This
By Head of School Michael Dewey

Mordecai told the messenger to reply to Esther, “Don’t think that you will escape the fate of all the Jews because you are in the king’s palace. If you keep silent at this time, liberation and deliverance will come to the Jewish people from another place, but you and your father’s house will be destroyed. Who knows, perhaps you have come to your royal position for such a time as this” (Esther 4:13-15).

May 2025 will mark the completion of four full years that Evergreen Christian School has been operating. Since Evergreen’s mission has been the establishment of a program that specializes in offering only four years of education, this represents a significant milestone. While last year will always be remembered as the year we had our first graduating class, this year will be remembered as the one where our mission has been fully realized. So many have worked for this day. The exact number is likely far higher than any of us could imagine. It seems like each day I meet someone new who shares about how they were somehow involved in the process that has led us to this moment. They prayed for our school long before it was ever named. They donated to it generously when it was just a vision. They even rolled up their sleeves at various times to help build it carefully, all with the goal of faithfully fulfilling a mission to establish a unique high school experience that would take seriously the call to prepare the next generation of Christians. Each of these men and women, donors, parents, teachers, students, prayer warriors, staff members, and volunteers stood up and stepped forward to answer a call…for such a time as this.  

With the advent of this fourth year, now is the time for this group to come together and celebrate in a way that we have never done before. This spring we are inaugurating a new tradition that will allow us to reflect upon all that God has done and to commit to all that he has yet to do through ECS. On March 8, we will hold our inaugural Quadrennial Gala, which is just a fancy way of saying that it’s a banquet that occurs just once every four years. The event will take place at The River Creek Club in Leesburg, which is a fitting location given that it hosted one of the very first interest meetings for Evergreen long before the school opened its doors in 2021. It is also fitting that the theme for this event comes from the book of Esther. Just as God raised up a young woman in the midst of challenging times to courageously speak up to defend the people of God, God has strategically raised up Evergreen Christian School to equip young people to do the same today. It is no coincidence that this school was established at a time when Loudoun County was becoming the epicenter for the cultural war against Christian faith and biblical values. God has providentially placed us here, for such as time as this.  

While four years means that the foundation for our program has been fully laid, the mission is not yet accomplished. This is because the mission will never be fully accomplished. It renews with each and every year that we welcome a new crop of students to the ECS family, and ready a new class of graduates to face the challenges of living out their faith in today’s world. I am proud of the fact that the class of 2025 contains 16 students that have been with us all four years. But I am equally proud of the 24 that chose to follow after them. Given the requirements of our Essential Questions Project, transferring in after freshman year is no small task. Our school is not just Christian, it is rigorous; how can preparing young men and women to stand strong in the face of open opposition to Christian faith be anything less? But these students, together with their parents, realized the importance of coming to Evergreen. The 24 have joined together with the 16, to face this difficult challenge as one. Now is the time for us to celebrate what this core of courageous students represents and renew what God has called us to do. 

The Quadrennial Gala will be just such an opportunity, where all the current and past members of the Evergreen family can come together, fellowship over a wonderful meal, enjoy special presentations from students and staff, and share testimonies about the many ways God has worked in and through our school. Since most families will spend only four years at ECS, it is important for us to establish this as a quadrennial event that everyone is able to attend at least once. Of course, the first one is sure to be extra special. Which simply means that it is not to be missed. Click below for more information.

Donate: Click here to donate funds or auction items.

Sponsor: Click here to sponsor our event. Sponsorships include tickets to the event and advertising opportunities.

Table: Click here to purchase a table for you and 9 guests.

Tickets: Click here to purchase tickets beginning Monday, January 6, 2025.

Please invite your business associates, friends, family, and community members to this memorable event. Proceeds will directly impact our students through the enhancement of student programs and facilities, as well as tuition assistance.

For more information, please email Donate@ECSLoudoun.org.

As we embark on this historic year, let us not be silent. To God be the glory! 


Michael Dewey, Head of School
Evergreen Christian School

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