Head of School

Michael Dewey, Head of School
Michael Dewey is Evergreen Christian School’s Founding Head of School. Before coming to ECS he served as the Assistant Head of School at Trinity Christian School in Fairfax, where he oversaw the K-12 academic program and helped lead Trinity to a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence award in 2019. He has been involved in Christian education for over 25 years, having previously served as a high school principal in El Paso, Texas. Over the years he has taught courses in literature, Christian doctrine, apologetics, ethics, and philosophy, both at the secondary and university levels.
In addition to being an educator, Mr. Dewey has ministered in various pastoral roles both in New York and Texas, served as a chaplain in the Army Reserve, and worked in campus ministry with Cru. He is currently working on his doctoral dissertation in philosophy at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Sandra, who serves as the Director of Educational Technology at ECS, live in Manassas Park.
Thank you for your willingness to consider Evergreen Christian School as your school of choice for the education of your daughter or son. Evergreen is dedicated to answering the call to raise up the next generation of Christian leaders grounded in the wisdom of God’s Word and ready to live it out wherever he calls them to serve. In order to do this, it is not enough for our students to simply know God’s Word; they must also understand the world around them and the times in which they live so that they can properly apply it. Christian philosopher and apologist Norman L. Geisler once said, “A truly Christian education, then, opens the mind not only to the content of Scripture but also to the context in which we proclaim it.”
Just as the men of Issachar were commended because they “had understanding of the times” and knew “what Israel ought to do” (1 Chron. 12:32), Evergreen Christian School features a curriculum that emphasizes both Christian faith and Christian scholarship. This means we are proudly committed to teaching God’s Word in the context of an academically rigorous liberal arts program aimed at helping students grow stronger in their faith and thinking deeply about the important questions facing our world today – all from a biblical worldview perspective. Evergreen graduates will not only be strong women and men of godly character and biblical conviction, but intellectual scholars ready to excel in college and beyond.
Because this is our mission, we are a covenant-model, high-school-only program. We are focused on partnering with Christian families who are ready to have their children engage in serious leadership development, spiritually, morally, and intellectually. As you look over what our program has to offer and consider whether Evergreen is right for your child, feel free to reach out to us for more information.
“Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her” (Proverbs 3: 13-15).
For His Kingdom,
Michael W. Dewey
Head of School
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