Art Foundations
As an entry-level elective, this course provides a strong foundation for exploration of a variety of art-making methods, materials, and processes in the visual arts. Knowledge of drawing & painting, photography & graphic design, and sculpture & design is gained through class discussions and art- making challenges. Understanding the elements of art and principles of design allows students to create and discuss art, both in class discussions and examination art in history and/or museums. An essential component of the Visual Arts program centers on an understanding of God as the Master Creator and how that understanding informs choices in art-making and judging works of art. Weekly visual journals allow students to explore their own personal voice in art.
Art Foundations II
Art Foundations II builds on the learning of Art Foundations I. Students will go into more depth on previously covered methods and materials, as well as learning new techniques and styles. Weekly visual journals allow students to explore their own personal voice in art.
Art History
The etymology of the word “evangelist” is essentially a messenger of good. As Christian art historians, we will evaluate artworks for their ability to convey the messages of truth, good, and beauty. These ideals are reflections of God’s inherent character and are elements that are worthy of study and contemplation. But, what really is a work of art? And who gets decide? Why is the Mona Lisa so famous and nearly impossible to get a glance at the Louvre, while Jackson Pollack’s splatter paintings hang in New York’s Met, but are belittled by the likes of Olivia the Pig and students the world over? In studying art history, we will examine these questions and the impact of economics and technology (or lack of) in art making; we will look at available materials and processes as well as contemporary cultural contexts that produced works of art. We will learn to evaluate art according to its formal qualities, the subject matter, and origin to understand the complex elements that make a work of “art.”
Art Teacher

Mrs. Walsh holds an A.A.S. in Interior Design from Northern Virginia Community College in Sterling, VA. She seeks to encourage her students to thrive in Art and in the local community. She says: "I'm thrilled to be a part of this amazing blessing in Loudoun County. I value partnering with other believers in serving God, fulfilling his calling, and fellowshipping with other like-minded people. I am energized seeing everyone at ECS and myself do our best for the Lord."
Student Artwork Galleries
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