Evergreen Christian School

Evergreen Christian School News

logo for EagleFest '24

Join us on September 21 for EagleFest '24, where ECS families and friends will gather for a day of fellowship, fun, and celebration! This year's event will feature games, music, delicious food, and a 5K, all taking place on our school campus at 21336 Evergreen Mills Road, Leesburg, VA, starting at 9:00 a.m. Be sure to register early.

Graphic of College logos

Evergreen Christian School is excited to share that our college-bound seniors have received acceptance offers from over 30 prestigious institutions and were awarded over 1.2 million dollars in scholarship offers.

Class of 2024 Photo with Governor Youngkin and Head of School

Congratulations to the outstanding graduates of Evergreen Christian School class of 2024! Their hard work and dedication have truly paid off. Special thanks to Governor Glenn Youngkin for joining us in celebrating our Inaugural Commencement. All glory to God!

Photo of Senior at Evergreen Christian School

With Evergreen’s first graduating class comes the first group of seniors to complete the much-anticipated oral defense. The oral defense is just one part of the Senior Capstone, which represents the culmination of the Essential Questions Project started by each student in their first year at ECS.

High School Student Speaking to Fellow Students

ECS Student Government

May 11, 2024

The 2023-2024 student government (ECC - Evergreen Christian Council) recently hosted Chapel, and hosted a time to hear speeches from next year's ECC candidates. It was a wonderful time of honoring those who have served on ECC this year and celebrating those who will be serving next year.

Graphic of Accreditation for School

Evergreen Christian School is excited to announce that we have officially been granted accreditation by the Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS). Head of School Michael Dewey: “To be recognized by an organization as reputable as MSA shows we have established a quality program that is respected by members of the larger educational community. It also demonstrates to our parents and students that we are fully committed to improving and establishing Evergreen as a premier Christian high school.”

Logo for National Latin Exam

For the first time ever, ECS Latin students competed in the National Latin Exam. The exam challenges students to exhibit proficiency in the Latin language and recall pertinent information about Roman culture, history, and geography, putting many of the skills they've learned over the year in class to the test. In addition to being a test of knowledge, it’s also a competition. Students who rank in the top percentiles receive special honors with an opportunity to receive scholarship money for college.

Missions Week Prayer

Missions Week 2024

March 17, 2024

During Missions Week at Evergreen Christian School, students heard from a variety of speakers. We pray that the Lord will stir our students' hearts for missions and that each student would prayerfully consider the role God has for them to play in fulfilling the Great Commission in this season of their lives and beyond!

Congratulations to our Varsity Girls and Boys basketball teams! Our girl's team ended the season with a 3rd place trophy for the NVIAC being the first year as a full varsity team! Our boys ended the season in 2nd place in the NVIAC! Way to go, Eagles! We are so proud of our student-athletes hard work and dedication on and off the court.

Seniors in Washington DC

The senior class of Evergreen Christian School Loudoun County took a field trip to Washington, D.C. where they had a tour of the Capitol and the Washington Monument. They also saw Congress in action as they watched the Senate take a vote. The senior government and politics class is more than merely learning about the inner workings of the federal government; it’s a preparation for Biblical citizenship in the modern day.

Thank you for Donating Graphic with Logo

Thank You to Our Donors!

January 7, 2024

Thank you to everyone who gave to the Eagle Fund in 2023! Gifts of any size throughout the year are greatly appreciated! Evergreen Christian School will be use the funds for facility projects, student programs, and tuition assistance. Lives are impacted by your generosity! Thank you!

Happy New Year Graphic

Happy 2024 from ECS!

January 1, 2024

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 We hope our school verse encourages you in the Lord throughout 2024 as you seek and serve Him.  To God be the glory for the great things he "has" done and the great things he "will" do.

Choir Concert with Christmas Tree in Background

Standing ovation to our many talented Concert Choir, Honors Choral Ensemble, Strings, Jazz Band, and Guitar students for their wonderful and festive performances in our annual Christmas Concert. Our very talented Graphic Design, Digital Photography, and Art Foundations students showcased their outstanding work after the concert. The Christmas Concert and Art show was hosted by our wonderful Fine Art teachers, Ms. Park, Mrs. Maguire, Mrs. Walsh, and Ms. Stitzlein. Thank you to everyone who joined and celebrated our students.

Photo of Speaker and ECS student

Veterans Day 2023 Chapel

November 13, 2023

In honor of Veterans Day, ECS Board Chairman and proud veteran Mr. Lou Giuliano, along with current and former military personnel, joined ECS students and staff in Chapel to honor our veterans. We are so grateful for the many veterans who have dedicated their lives and service to protecting our country. Thank you to all the veterans today and every day. "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13

Photo of EF participants

Families and friends enjoyed EagleFest '23 at Evergreen Christian School on Saturday, September 16. The event was held on the school campus located at 21336 Evergreen Mills Road in Leesburg, VA and included games, music, food, and a 5K. Thanks to everyone who participated and volunteered to make this a great, fundraising event for our Eagles!

Students Enjoying Outdoor Activities

Day Away 2023

September 5, 2023

Day Away 2023 was a blast! Each grade level spent time away from the school as a class to bond and create memories. We had devotionals led by our wonderful faculty, team-building activities, pizza, and lots of fun games planned for the students.

Students Praying

In the first chapel of the 2023-2024 school year for high school students at Evergreen Christian School, Head of School Mr. Michael Dewey challenged students to think about the "21st question," reflecting on Philippians 3:3-11. Students also heard from the ECC (student council) about their vision for the school year. Evergreen Christian School seeks to impart truth, which is the Word of God, written and incarnate. (Psalm 119:160; John 14:6) Students participate in weekly chapel services by leading worship and spending time in Bible study. Guest speakers, faculty members, and student leaders teach and encourage the student body.

Admission Graphic of Students in Science Lab

At ECS, God is at the center of every subject. The body of Christ (parents, educators, church leaders, and community members) is enjoined to raise the next generation to be winsome ambassadors of Christ, and Evergreen Christian School has been founded in accordance with that purpose.

Photo of ECS Head of School and Employees

On Monday, Aug. 1, ECS held a virtual Q&A with prospective families. Head of School Michael Dewey said, "We had a great time speaking about the importance of Christian education and our unique program at Evergreen Christian School. There is still time to enroll for the upcoming school year!" There is still time to enroll for the upcoming school year! Contact our Admission Director at Admission@ECSLoudoun.org. #ChristianEducation #ChristianHighSchool

Photo of student award winners with Head of School

ECS gathered as a school to recognize our 2022-23 award winners for academics, athletics, the arts, and community service. What a joy to celebrate these Eagles for their many achievements and their Christlike character.

Photo of Concert

ECS hosted their annual Spring Concert and Art Show. Guests enjoyed beautiful music from the Concert Choir, Honors Choral Ensemble, and Guitar Ensemble. Following the concert, guests perused the art exhibition showcasing students’ accomplishments from their foundational studies in the elements and principles of art and graphic design. It was a delight to see so many God-given gifts and talents on display!

Photo of Actors and Drama Teacher

Audiences traveled back to the 18th century to enjoy Evergreen's first school play, “She Stoops to Conquer" by Oliver Goldsmith. Congratulations to the drama class and director Mr. Christian Fernandez.

Image of students in Christian Council

Candidates campaigned, ballots were cast and counted, and winners have been announced for next year’s student government. Congratulations to the 2023-24 Evergreen Christian Council!

Photo of Two Girls in the Classroom

Admission 2023-2024

May 3, 2023

Evergreen Christian School in Leesburg, VA is accepting applications for high school for the 2023-2024 school year. Please contact our Admission Director Katrina Hadley at Admission@ECSLoudoun.org to learn more and to schedule a Private Tour. We look forward to meeting you!

Photo of Dr Blackaby with ECS students

On May 1, 2023, Dr. Richard Blackaby of Blackaby Ministries International visited campus for our weekly chapel service. He spoke to our students about Christian leadership, encouraging them: “Don't settle for less than what God has for you.” Then on Tuesday, May 2, we held our first annual Pastor Breakfast, welcoming area ministry leaders to enjoy breakfast and hear from Dr. Blackaby on "The Ways of God." We were thankful for the opportunity to introduce many pastors and ministry leaders to Evergreen and all we have to offer Christian families in our community.

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