It’s in this season of Thanksgiving that we are reminded of the many blessings that God has provided to ECS.
First and foremost, we are thankful to God who has been raising up a standard for godly, Christ-centered education and allowing all of us to be a part of this great work that he is doing.
We are thankful for the many parents who have heeded the admonition to “train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Pr. 22:6, ESV). In our culture, increasingly parents are being told that they should let the “experts” teach the children, and the parents’ role seems to be relegated to providing food, shelter, and funds for these experts. We are thankful for our ECS families who are standing against this tide and trusting us to work together with them in the instruction of their children.
We are thankful for the godly men and women who answered when called to be a part of our faculty and staff. Words alone do not express our appreciation for the passion and commitment they bring to our students and to the mission of the school.
Finally, we are incredibly humbled and thankful for our many supporters who generously and sacrificially give to the school. Their time, talents, and continued financial support allow us to bring to life the vision of an academically rigorous high school that is Christ-centered, biblically driven, and kingdom focused.
We pray that we live up to the trust all of you have placed in us.