The 2023-2024 student government (ECC - Evergreen Christian Council) recently hosted Chapel. Our ECC Chaplain gave a powerful message about the importance of how we talk about others referencing Titus 3:1-7. It was a wonderful time of honoring those who have served on ECC this year and celebrating those who will be serving next year.
Also, our ECC recently hosted a time for those seeking a position with the 2024-2025 student government to give speeches to the student body. What does it mean to hold a ECC postion at Evergreen Christian School? A student leader should possess good character, uphold principles of morality and ethics, be cooperative, demonstrate high standards of honesty and reliability, show courtesy, concern, and respect for others and be respected by others. Moreover, an ECC Student leader should demonstrate a humble desire to know God's Word and grow in his or her relationship with Jesus Christ. An applicant should be in good academic standing with no failing grades.
We are excited to see what the future holds for ECC and the positive impact our student government will continue to have on our school community.